Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make the cookies smaller?

Absolutely! I always suggest altering the filling to accommodate the smaller size, and reducing the bake time by a couple of minutes. Remember you can always bake more, but can’t take away over baking!

Can I freeze the dough before baking?

Yes! This is a great way to prepare for big ievents or big orders! I suggest thawing depending on the recipe. If the recipe calls for no freezing, I suggest thawing until completely thawed out. If the recipe calls for “45 minutes of freeze time”, I would suggest thawing out until slightly frozen still. When you squeeze the cookie they should have a slight “give” to them.

Can I freeze the cookies once baked?

For sure! I do this all the time, whenever I have extras, or want to make some for my family. I suggest either letting them thaw out over time, or sticking them in the microwave for 5-10 seconds depending on the size.

How do I warm the cookies up?

Heat time depends on the cookie and the strength of your microwave. I usually start with about 5 seconds, and heat up until about 10 seconds, checking as I heat up. Usually they don’t need much more than 10 seconds though!